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Compensation for the guarantee fee to entities engaged in alternative activities

How much?

Entities operating in rural areas that are not in difficulty (as defined in Article 2 of (EU) No 651/2014) can receive state aid on the following terms and conditions:

  • 80 % of the guarantee fee is compensated;
  • Limitations on aid intensity and on state aid amounts per investment project as well as rules for summing up of aid amounts apply.

How does it work? 

  • Apply to a financial institution for a loan or leasing services.
  • Along with documents on the provision of a guarantee, complete the application for compensation of interest (an annex to the main application), which will be submitted to us by the financial institution together with other documents (the application forms are here).
  • We will take a decision on the granting of the guarantee and compensation of the guarantee fee.
  • You will be issued a guarantee and receive the compensation for the guarantee fee, will conclude a financing agreement with the financial institution, and will receive financing.

Compensation terms and conditions

The guarantee fee is compensated for investment projects involving activities other than primary production, processing or marketing of agricultural products provided that the project expenditure is intended for investments in

  • Tangible assets – investments in land, buildings, machinery, equipment and installations;
  • Intangible assets – expenditure related to intellectual property.