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Crowd Funding Loans Aviete

Crowd funding loans Aviete (hereinafter referred to as “Aviete loans”) enable small and medium-sized enterprises to borrow through crowd funding platforms.

Allocated amount: 20 M EUR

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What companies are eligible?

Small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs) that comply with the SME status defined in the SME Law in Lithuania.

Loan amount & duration

A share of the state funds intended for the financial instrument “Aviete loans” may reach up to 40% of the loan funds in an ordinary „Aviete loan“, but in may not exceed EUR 30,000. For example, if the amount of the loan you obtain is EUR 50,000, a maximum share of the state fund can be EUR 20,000.

  • The total amount of state fund for all valid signed agreement may not exceed EUR 30,000 for the same borrower.
  • Interest rate depends on the company's risk, collateral and loan duration.
  • Loans are granted for a period not exceeding 36 months.

Where to apply

Further information about the conditions and opportunities under the financial instrument Aviete is available at crowd funding platforms:

How does it work?

Aviete loans are granted through crowd funding platforms. Crowd funding platform operators, which have signed cooperation agreement for the implementation of Aviete loans, will select those business projects which will be co-funded under the financial instrument Aviete. The number of crowd funding platform operators is not limited, therefore, contracts can be made during all the period of implementation and until all funds of the instrument are used.

Instrument Description
Information for potential financial intermediaries (for crowd funding platform operators)

Each crowd funding platform operator which has submitted an application and concluded a cooperation agreement with ILTE will have an opportunity to use Avietė funds according to need, for financing the business projects complying with the terms of the financial instrument in the form of loans.

All crowd funding platform operators operating in the Republic of Lithuania and included into the public list of crowd funding platform operators are invited to become partners under this instrument. Crowd funding platform operators can submit applications to become a financial intermediary during the entire implementation period of the financial instrument.

An application to become a financial intermediary of Avietė is available here (Lithuanian language version). A detailed technical specification of the implementation of this instrument is available here (Lithuanian language version).

Please send an application with annexes and the documents certifying compliance with the requirements laid down in the terms of reference signed with a qualified electronic signature by e-mail: aviete@ilte.lt, or signed in writing – by registered mail to the address of the head office of ILTE: Konstitucijos pr. 7 (22 floor), 09308 Vilnius.