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Call to submit applications under the instrument "Direct Loans to Business Entities Affected by the War"

The National Development Agency Investment and Business Guarantees (hereinafter referred to as INVEGA) calls for applications under the incentive financial instrument "Direct Loans to Business Entities Affected by the War" (hereinafter referred to as the Instrument). The Instrument aims to reduce the impact of the crisis caused by the Russian Federation's military aggression against Ukraine by providing loans to the working capital of business entities, and to reduce the lack of investment loans in the Lithuanian economy as a result of this crisis.

The conditions for the implementation of the Instrument shall be determined by the Description of the Instrument.

EUR 50 million of funds from the INVEGA fund have been allocated for the implementation of the instrument.

  • Applications may be submitted from 4 October 2022, 13:00.
  • Applications may be submitted until 10 November 2023, 23:59 (the application deadline may be extended).

The invitation shall be stopped after the application deadline or after the allocation of the amount allocated to the Instrument.

Applications must be submitted to INVEGA through the electronic application system.