*alt_site_homepage_image* Co-funded by the European Union


Allocated amount: 20 M EUR
Crowd Funding Loans Raspberry The share of the state fund may not exceed EUR 30 thousand
Allocated amount: 1100 B EUR
Loans Billion for Business Projects implemented in Lithuania are financed and focused on environmentally friendly technologies, the development of production capacities for high added-value products (including biotechnologies), and the defense and security industry.
Allocated amount: 148.5 M EUR
Loans CHANGE Loans for industrial enterprises up to EUR 10 million.
In preparation
Allocated amount: 29 M EUR
Loans Entrepreneurship Promotion 3 Loans up to EUR 25 000 for businesses operating up to 1 year
Allocated amount: 85.1 M EUR
Loans Open Credit Fund 3 The share of OCF3 per one loan must not be more than 75 per cent, and in any event may not be in excess of EUR 750 thousand
Until 2029-12-31
Allocated amount: 150 M. EUR
Loans Perspective Funding for industrial research, pilot development and innovation.
Allocated amount: 52,24 M. EUR
Loans START Loans up to EUR 3 million in case of investment financing and up to EUR 200 thousand in case of supplementation of the circulating assets
Allocated amount: 572 M. EUR
Renewable energy loans for legal entities Loans up to 100 million EUR
Allocated amount: 90 M. EUR
Portfolio guarantees 3 A portfolio guarantee secures 80% repayment of a loan.
Export Credit Guarantees Export credit guarantees enable the companies to expand their export markets in the countries with non-marketable risks.
Guaranteed Leasing The guarantees provided by ILTE help solve the issue of insufficient or unattractive securities for financial institutions and facilitate access to financing sources
Guarantees for Large Companies The maximum amount of the guarantee may not exceed EUR 1,5 million
Individual Guarantees for Bonds The maximum amount of the guarantee is EUR 5 million.
Individual Guarantees for Loans The maximum amount of the guarantee may not exceed EUR 5 million
Allocated amount: 12 M. EUR
Compensation of Loan Interest Up to 40 % of the interest paid is reimbursed.
Allocated amount: 1 M. EUR
Promotion of securities listing on the stock exchange Reimbursement of 50 % of the eligible costs incurred.
Allocated amount: 18 M. EUR
Accelerator 2 EUR 18 million have been allocated from the Innovation Promotion Fund.
Allocated amount: 130 M. EUR
Baltic Innovation Fund The planned amount of the BIF is EUR 130 million
Baltic Innovation Fund II It is estimated that the total size of BIF II will amount to €156m
Allocated amount: 10,2 M. EUR
Business Angels Co-Investment Fund The maximum investment amount per enterprise is up to EUR 1,2 million
Allocated amount: 15 M. EUR
Co-Investment Fund The maximum investment amount is up to EUR 1.6 million
Allocated amount: 34 M. EUR
Development Fund II The investment amount per enterprise will be from EUR 2 to 4 million
Allocated amount: 60 M. EUR
Development Funds III Promotes venture capital investments into micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and small mid-caps in Lithuania, to contribute the European Green Deal.
Allocated amount: 13,5 M. EUR
MILInvest The Defence Investment Fund invests in innovative companies in the field of defence and security
Allocated amount: 1 B. EUR
NATO Innovation Fund The NATO Innovation Fund (NIF) was created to supercharge the Alliance’s unique innovation ecosystems.