The mandatory cookies are required for the website to function and for you to be able to use at least its minimum functions: to navigate the page and to agree or disagree with the use of cookies. These cookies cannot be disabled.
Validity period
Cookie is not stored if you do not agree
Session ID cookie used to ensure page functionality (e.g., returning to the last place in the list)
Until the end of session
Not applicable
POST XSRF protection
Until the end of session
Not applicable
Remembers the visitor’s cookie policy option category. Possible values – 0.1 1
10 days
Not applicable
Remembers the visitor’s cookie policy option category. Possible values – 0.1 1
10 days
Not applicable
Remembers the visitor’s cookie policy option category. Possible values – 0.1 1
10 days
Not applicable
Remembers that the visitor reviewed/opted for a cookie policy. Possible values – 0.1 Possible values – 0.1 1
10 days
Not applicable
Designed to make the site’s side menu usable
Not applicable
Protects forms against malicious sending. Used for google reCaptcha
6 months
Not applicable
These cookies enables the website to remember your choices and settings that determine how and what you see on the website, such as which website language version to show you, etc. They also allow to display to you personalised information. If you disable these cookies, some features of the website may not work.
Functional cookies are currently not used.
These cookies are used to analyse website traffic statistics. They allow us to count visits and traffic sources in order to measure the performance of the site and improve it, make it as useful and convenient as possible for visitors. These cookies help us find out which pages are most or least visited, and find out how visitors navigate through the pages of the site. All information collected by these cookies is anonymous, as we store only the aggregates of all visitors.
Validity period
Cookie is not stored if you do not agree
Part of the Google Analytics statistics system. It stores information about the parts of the site that a visitor goes to, the number of times the site is visited, the duration of the visit, browser information, etc.
2 years
30 min.
6 months
Valid until the browser is closed
Valid until the browser is closed
These cookies are set by third parties, such as They monitor your behaviour with the content they provide, such as, when watching videos. If you disable these cookies, you will not be able to view the content they provide on the site, such as videos. A cookie provider may use these cookies to track your interests and select similar content for you on other websites.