INVEGA recognised a national promotional body
The Bank of Lithuania has included UAB Investicijų ir Verslo Garantijos (INVEGA) on the List of National Promotional Bodies (NPBs), which means that the process of gaining the NPB status is completed. With this status the company can take on a higher investment risk, invest in long-term projects and be appointed to carry out promotional activities without any complicated procedures.
This status reflects the significance of the company on both the national and European scale. INVEGA will be able to contribute to the promotion of investment and the use financial instruments even with greater success, ensuring their continuity when loaned or invested funds return and are used to finance other projects.
Nationalpromotional bodies do not compete with market participants (banks, venture capital management companies, etc.), but they create more favourable conditions for investment in areas where funding under market conditions is inadequate.
On a proposal of the Government, INVEGA, in addition to two more state-controlled financial institutions, UAB Viešųjų Investicijų Plėtros Agentūra and UAB Žemės Ūkio Paskolų Garantijų Fondas, was granted the status of a National Development Body in October 2018.