At the meeting of Ministers of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania held on 26 January 2022, consolidation of the national promotional institutions (NPIs) was approved. It was decided to consolidate on the basis of INVEGA (now ILTE) and to entrust the Ministry of Finance with the representation of the state as a shareholder of the NPIs currently operating:
- Investment and Business Guarantees UAB (lith. UAB “Investicijų ir verslo garantijos“ - INVEGA);
- Public Investment Development Agency UAB (lith. UAB “Viešųjų investicijų plėtros agentūra“ -VIPA);
- Public Investment Management Agency UAB (lith. UAB “Valstybės investicijų valdymo agentūra“ - VIVA) ;
- Agricultural Loan Guarantee Fund UAB (lith. UAB “Žemės ūkio paskolų garantijų fondas“ - ŽŪPGF).
This page contains all the information related to the consolidation of national development institutions.
- Resolution on the transfer of State-owned shares to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania
- Minutes of the meeting of government ministers on the consolidation of national promotional institutions (NPIs)
- Action plan for the consolidation of national promotional bodies
- Presentation of the Action Plan for the Consolidation of National Promotional Institutions
- Terms of reorganisation of Investment and Business Guarantees UAB , Agricultural Loan Guarantee Fund UAB and Public Investment Development Agency UAB
- Draft Articles of Association of the company that will operate after the reorganisation – Investment and Business Guarantees UAB
- Interim and annual accounts of the Agricultural Loan Guarantee Fund UAB:
- 2022: 31-03-2022, 30-06-2022, 30-09-2022, Annual Report 2022
- 2021: 31/03/2021, 30/06/2021, 30/09/2021, 31/12/2021, Annual Report 2021
- 2020: 31/03/2020, 30/06/2020, 30/09/2020, 31/12/2020, Annual Report 2020
- Interim and annual financial statements of Investment and Business Guarantees UAB:
- 2022: 2022-06-30, 2022-12-31
- 2021: 2021-06-30, 2021-12-31
- 2020: 2020-06-30, 2020-12-31
- Interim and annual accounts of the Public Investment Development Agency UAB:
- 2022: 2022-03-31, 2022-06-30, 2022-09-30, 2022-12-31
- 2021: 2021-03-31, 2021-06-30, 2021-09-30, 2021-12-31
- 2020: 2020-03-31, 2020-06-30, 2020-09-30, 2020-12-31